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Artist statement:


The Geologist is concerned with the 'raw bones' of the earth, but it is the painter that can 'clothe' its structures.  


Inspired by constructed landscape, contemporary architecture, space and our use of it. Lulu Hancock has a passion for colour, light, sense of place, sense of space and a sense of being.


Consciously, as the thought process has developed, visual imagery is representing   emotion, mood, weather, change, and transmitting a narrative of our time. Exemplifying an individual perception of a man made structure in harmony with an abstract landscape and its surroundings.


  New work‘ The changing face of an LGV landscape’ describes visually the construction of the new high-speed rail link from Bordeaux – Paris.  A function a use a construction and evolution of our resources.


Oil studies, photography and often a fusion of the two, investigate form, structure and light. A visual analysis of a progression through time a Landscape with scars of our past, and marks of our future, an encapsulated moment in our history.



"I look for places of inspiration from interior and exterior structural forms, nature or man made, in the landscape or in the studio. Materials created to resource our needs for pleasure or as a function. Thus ideas and visuals follow a natural evolution, inspired by the prospect of past and present works, forming a visual narrative of my life and representations of my observed world".


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